Kings Lynn TT, 28 Sept 2019

On Saturday I rode the B10/37R course for the first time this season. This was also my last TT of the season so I wanted to end the season on a positive by doing well. The weather was planned to be ridiculously windy, which it was, causing it to nearly be cancelled.

Because of this, I decided not to use my TT bike as the wind catches it quite a lot, so I used my road bike instead. The course itself goes round in a triangle, and is quite rolling. I knew that with the weather, this was going to be hard work before I started. Although I benefited on the first three miles battling the cross wind, I felt as though I could have gone faster on a TT bike along the tailwind section and the last section, which did have a cross wind too, but wasnt as bad as the first section as it wasn’t as exposed.

Overall, I'm still pleased I used a road bike, and was happy with my time for the course and the conditions (26.10). I finished 2nd lady and was only 3 seconds away from first place which was annoying!

Izzie Johnson

Tim PhillipsTT