Adams Harrison Triathlon, 6 Oct 2019

On Sunday I competed in a sprint triathlon, consisting of a 300m swim, 22k bike and 6k run. The weather was forecasted torrential rain with flood warnings. On the drive over, the roads began to get flooded, which meant that the bike leg was instantly cancelled for safety, so the event was turned into an aquathlon. I was quite disappointed as the bike leg is my strongest part and I gain the most time here to make up for the run. The swim went well, and was happy with my time although it didn't feel that fast as I was swimming. The walls of the pool were also really slippy which made it hard to push off.

Between the pool and transition there was a 2 minute dead time as transition was quite far away from the pool. I decided that I was going to put my trainers in the dead time zone so that I could just run through transition. It worked well, although the time was tight. The run went well considering the lack of running I have done recently. The run route was really flooded too, which meant we were running through really deep puddles in some of the sections. With no socks on and absolutely soaking wet trainers it caused most people including me to come away with friction burns and blisters. Overall I placed 6th lady out of 71 which I was really happy with considering I'm not really a runner. I was also really happy with 3rd fastest female in the swim.

Izzie Johnson

Tim PhillipsTriathlon