Windsor Autumn Sprint Duathlon, 10 Oct 2020

Report on the Windsor Sprint Duathlon - 4th place female finish, and 4 wins:

Win #1: Nailed the kit choice. While my daringly open-back GB trisuit doesn't intuitively scream 'cold British autumn morning', 1k into the run at a decently pulse-raising pace my panic-added windstopper became obsolete and I braved the backless breeze. Plus, my last-minute snap decision to install tri-bars paid off big time, with lots of long flat stretches into the wind. I didn't even get kit-envy at the all-too-frequent sound of disc-wheeled TT bikes expensively whooshing past... 

Win #2: SO proud of my bike split! Despite pacing it pretty conservatively and messing up the dismount as per usual (thank goodness for a by-standing pole that saved me from an embarrassing sideways topple when I didn't get my left foot out in time!) I still managed to come away with the 2nd fastest sprint female bike time. Comparing this to a few years ago when bike was my weakest discipline, or even eight months ago at the ETU duathlon championships in Punta Umbría where the bike leg was my downfall, training with Catenary Coaching has obviously been paying off!

Win #3: Run was slow compared to my last race, but I felt okay about it. I have to be honest, it really bugs me when I don't see nice straightforward linear improvement, so I've been trying to nuance my definition of 'progress' and have more compassion for myself given 2020 life circumstances. Plus, because my expectations were so low, I ended up pacing conservatively and running textbook negative splits, AND enjoying the whole entire thing since there was zero red-lining involved! 

Win #4: Solidarity transcends physical distance. Despite the socially distanced time trial format, the out-and-back run course and short fast bike circuit around the lake meant I was frequently passing and being passed by other athletes, sharing encouragement / bonding over complaints about the weather. It was super fun to race with my husband Carlos and my Dad, who both smashed their expected times - we gave Dad a 10 minute headstart and had a great time chasing him down! Plus, it was a privilege to race with so many other talented athletes, including the inspirational Claire Danson.

So all in all, an amazing morning, and that's not to mention the biggest success of all - the fact that this race actually happened!! Massive kudos to F3 Events for impeccable covid-compliant organisation, and it's always worth being grateful for getting to the start line without illness or injury.

Looking forward to the next event, whenever that might be...

Kathryn Robertson Arrebola
