X Border 10k Reverse, 2 Feb 2020

The X Border 10k reverse, from Gretna to Carlisle, is one of a select few cross border runs anywhere in the world. The course is mainly flat with a few nice hills thrown in, and runs largely alongside the M6. In the days leading up to the race, I wasn't sure how I was feeling in terms of my running fitness, and on the Thursday I ended up giving up 20 mins into a run session due to feeling really tired and lacking in energy. After doing a really short warm up I felt quite good, so I made the decision there and then to just set off fast and see how long I could hold it for, as I had nothing to lose.

The heavens opened when we were on the start line, and we had a nice head wind to content with. I went through the first mile in 5.51 which I know was a bit too quick! I concentrated on trying not to let a gap between myself and two men widen, and found myself in quite a nice rhythm and feeling comfortable, going through 5k in 18.41. The second half of the race seemed to fly by, and before I knew it I was heading into the finish area where my two girls and partner were there to cheer me on. I glanced at my watch and knew that I was going to be on for a PB, but wasn't sure if I would quite manage to go sub 38 min as we had to do a lap around a large building to get back around to the finish area, and I didn’t know how far it was. Once I turned the final corner I ran to the finish line as fast as I could, and then was in disbelief to have finished 1st female in a time of 37.36 mins (a new PB) and setting a new female course record! My time was over 2 mins faster than the last 10k I raced back in September, and over 1 min quicker than my previous PB. My training with Catenary Coaching is certainly paying off already, and I cant wait to see what else I can achieve in 2020. 

Rachel Brown

Tim Phillips10k, Running