Hoghill Crit, 12 Jun 2021

On Saturday I got to race at my favourite circuit, Hoghill! There was a fairly large field with some very strong ladies so I knew I needed to position myself at the front and to stay in the lead pack for as long as I could. The first few laps has various teams setting off riders up the hill, which I expected, and eventually we pulled them in one after another. I had a go at an attack too taking a rider with me but we were also pulled back in, so I thought it was best to sit in as it was clear no one was going to get away. My legs were feeling strong and I was doing well staying with the lead group and taking turns on the front - I was in with a chance of getting a top 10!

However, the race was getting sketchy and with 10 minutes to go a few of the riders in front of me touched wheels (thankfully no crashes). This meant that I lost momentum and lost contact with the peloton. With the last 5 laps myself and a couple of other riders tried to work together to get back on the group. Two of us ended up dropping the other riders but with 2 laps to go, the other lady I was working with managed to get away, so I was down to a lone TT that lasted 2 laps. Luckily I didn’t get caught by any others before the finish.

Amy Harvey
