Escape to Afan Extreme Cross Duathlon, 27 Nov 2022

Picture from a previous event

Back to multi discipline competition this weekend as I took on the Escape to Afan extreme cross duathlon. The run leg was a hilly mix of fire roads and singletrack. The heavy rain during the night added some extra challenges as the rocks were very slippy. I entered transition after the first run in 3rd place and a quick turn around meant I managed to leave transition and start the bike leg in 2nd and set about trying to chase down the leader. I caught and passed her, and knowing from the first leg that she was a decent runner kept on pushing to put as much daylight between us as I could. The second run was the same as the first and I managed to hold my lead and cross the line as first woman and 11th overall in a time of 01:59:12, 1:54 ahead of second place.

Kim Baptista