Stowmarket CC 20mile Hilly TT, 10 Apr 2022

It was my 1st time riding this rolling hilly course, which I really enjoyed racing on. I got to HQ with plenty of time to drive the course - the sun was out and unfortunately so was the wind which was quite strong.

I set off on a down hill then a sharp left. The wind was strong and took me side on which caught me unawares. I soon came to the 1st steep part of the course and did the best I could while still protecting my back. I learnt a lot about riding hilly courses, I need to practice on descents with bends and to ride them with more confidence. I misjudged the finish which came quicker than expected so I didn't really get to empty the tank at the end. I came 2nd woman with a time of 53:34, which I was pleased with as its given me lots to practise with.

Sophie Lee

Julian Bosley

Tim PhillipsTT, Timetrial